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5 Essentials For Rainy Car Maintenance

weather problems and auto repair

Driving in downpours is no fun for anyone. Here are some essential car care tips for when your forced out into the rainy season.

Most of us only know the general safety rules for driving in the rain. These can include slowing down and keeping a little extra distance between yourself and others and turning your lights on. However, some extra general maintenance for your car in the rain can help keep you safe.


1) Keep It Clean

Some people think that because its raining, that they don’t need to clean their car. If anything this couldn’t be further from the truth. Rain may wash off some mud, but it actually can do damage to the exterior of your car. Rain is naturally acidic. While the water my dry away, the acid remains.These acidic deposits that get left behind slowly eat away at the metallic parts of your car. A good wash starts off with the removal of these deposits, and keeps your finish safe.

Special places to pay extra attention to are your car windows, your windshield, and your headlights. These locations help with your visibility, and thus your safety.


2) Keep It Powered And Smooth

The last thing you want when the rain is pouring is a power malfunction due to do a bad battery. Most battery problems occur during rainy seasons because the battery experiences more work from wipers, radios, de-foggers, air conditioning, and headlights. This can wear down an already tired battery very quickly.

Now that you’ve check your battery, it’s wise to check your tires. Keeping a solid amount of tread on your tires can help you drive safely in rainy conditions when there are higher chances for aquaplaning. Also check to be sure they have the right amount of pressure for maximum grip and reliability.


3) Make Sure You Can See And Be Seen

Rain makes it hard for everyone to see. That is why most states require that you have your headlights and taillights on when you are using your wiper blades. Before heading out, check the condition of your headlights. Make sure all of your lights work properly and that none of your bulbs are out.


4) Check Your Brakes and Wiper Blades

Depending on where you live, it might be several months before you need to use your wiper blades. Check them over to make sure they are working correctly. Contemplate changing them once a year.

Then check your brakes. Concerning areas can be the brake pads and the brake disks. You should also get the color of your brake fluid checked. We here at Liberty Auto Center can repair your brakes!


5) Rain Proof Your Car And Know Your Roads

There are always extra things we can get and do to help with preventing rain from getting into our cars. Water getting in can be uncomfortable for the driver and passengers, but can also do damage to the car and the items in the car. You can get boot trays and pedal caps, and even rubber floor mats if needed.

Then, you have to know your roads. If you know the layout of the roads and the way water flows down them, you can avoid getting yourself into trouble. Many drivers don’t consider how much water is on the road, or how fast it is moving. In situations where you feel your only option is going through the water, it helps to know the lay of the land to determine whether it is safe or dangerous to cross.

Lastly, driving in the rain is usually inevitable. It’s how you handle the rain, and the maintenance and detail of your car that makes all the difference.

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